This story centers on two high school students, Kokusai and Chiga. Chiga-kun wonders how he, being such an intelligent individual, can be so unwillingly taken with a boy who is so country and simple&#ff7dcf Plot: Even as he tries to keep the student council president out of trouble, Vice President Chiga-kun finds himself being drawn to the president&#ff7de8 s strength and power. Chiga-kun wonders how he, being such an intelligent individual, can be so unwillingly taken with a boy who is so country and simple…Įven as he tries to keep the student council president out of trouble, Vice President Chiga-kun finds himself being drawn to the president's strength and power. Plot: Even as he tries to keep the student council president out of trouble, Vice President Chiga-kun finds himself being drawn to the president’s strength and power. Even as he tries to keep the student council presi…
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